For a while now, I've been considering starting up a new Warmachine/Hordes faction. I've wanted something pretty different from Skorne with a lot of interesting tricks, and decided on the Retribution of Scyrah.
In terms of models, I really like the Retribution 'jacks. I especially think they would look cool painted charcoal and red (very Sith, basically) with blank face-like masks sculpted on over their chests and/or heads. It would ideally be kind of like the Husks from Mass Effect, although I really got the idea from the Therians from AT: 43. I've never played AT: 43 myself, but the Therians vs. UNA starter box was on the shelves at my then-LGS (Hobbytown USA in Gahanna, OH if you want to know), and I always thought the blank human faces on the big Therian robots looked cool.
I have no idea how I'm going to do the face sculpting - I haven't sculpted much in the past - but I think it'll look pretty sweet once I've figured it out.
In terms of mechanics, Retribution are Warmachine, relatively infantry heavy, and with a strong central ranged game which I sometimes miss from Skorne. I do love to run "shooty" Skorne armies, but they're often melee attrition armies that also have some guns they might as well use on the way in. Retribution has a core ranged game, and can rely on shooting as a primary strategy, with some melee to back them up. They also have some excellent board control, which I don't get a lot of in Skorne.
In terms of Warjacks, I'm thinking a Phoenix and a Banshee. Both look really cool, have great rules (if the RoS forum is anything to go by, they're sort of the Gladiator and Bronzeback of the Retribution, only more so), and seem to fit with just about every Retribution Warcaster. The light warjacks seem pretty good, but not spectacular. I may just have to get used to using light 'jacks more aggressively. I really like using light beasts, especially those with good animi, for support, but 'jacks don't have animi, and the lights have to compete on other merits. I like the looks of the Chimera and Griffon pretty well. I think the Aspis' wrecking ball hands and head fin look dumb, but I'll probably get one eventually because Shield Guard and Beat Back are good abilities for an army to have.
For Warcasters, I like Ossyan and Kaelyssa, at least to start with. Both Ossyan and the Kaelyssa resculpt are super cool looking, and they both have solid feats and a really good selection of spells (Kaelyssa especially).
I have no idea about units. Visually, none of them really calls to me, although many of them seem very fun to play.
I'll probably start proxying Retribution in a couple of months (once my Skorne collection is more sorted out in terms of assembly and painting). If I like them, I'll at least get a Banshee to assemble and sculpt on so I can see how my idea would work.
UPDATE: Well played, Privateer Press. Well Played.
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