Monday, November 12, 2012

Battle Report: pHexeris vs. Drake MacBain (35pts)

I got two games in this past Saturday.  This one was against Mercenaries led by MacBain.

I've been digging pHexeris lately, and my army was already out of the box from a previous game, so I played:

Lord Tyrant Hexeris (+6)
*Titan Cannoneer (9)
*Titan Gladiator (8)
*Archidon (7)
*Aptimus Marketh (3)

10 Praetorian Swordsmen (6)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
4 Paingiver Beast Handlers (2)

Agonizer (2)
Extoller Soulward (2)

This is a Tier 1 Kingdom of Shadow list, meaning Hexeris will get to start wit his upkeeps in play.  My original thoughts on the list are in this report from earlier that day.  After the first game, I feel like the list actually has decent potential to deal with heavy armor, and only super heavy lists will give it serious problems.  As long as the Titans stay screened properly, they can deal with most of the game's heavy threats.  The list has a lot of flexibility with the Archidon as Hexeris' Soul Slave node, and Hexeris can focus on offense with Marketh managing his upkeeps.

The list is still vulnerable to mass heavy armor, and can be out-attritioned by lists with a lot of high-Def models, or a lot of Tough.  It's main weapons against high-def infantry are its AoE's: Hexeris' Obliteration and the Cannoneer cannon shot.

My opponent, Ben, played:

Drake MacBain (+6)
*Nomad (6)
*Buccaneer (3) 
*Sylas Wyshnallyr, the Seeker (2)

10 Kayazy Assassins (8)
*Kayazy Assassin Underboss (2)
Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt (4)

Alexia Ciannor, Mistress of the Witchfire (4)
Ogrun Bokur (3 - Client: Alexia)
Eyriss, Angel of the Retribution (3)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2)
Saxon Orrik (2) 

I've played against this list before, and it is a tough one.  The Kayazy with Dirge of Mists from Rhupert and the potential of super-tough under Drake's Feat are incredible at jamming.  Alexia and the Bokur are a solid flanking force, and the list has some very good denial with Gorman and Eyriss.

Like my list, this one is vulnerable to heavy armor.  It's tools for cracking a really beast heavy list are fairly limited.  It also relies on its Kayazy for jamming defense. and anything capable of taking out a lot of high-Def, Stealth models at once will be a problem.


The terrain on the table was the same as the previous game I'd played.  The middle of the board was fairly open, but there were forests and walls around it on both sides for vulnerable models to hide in.

I won the roll-off, and chose to go second.  I wanted to be sure I was in range with bottom-of-turn-1 arced spells.  Because I was playing a Tier list, the Swordsmen would start off with Death March, and the Archidon would start off with Soul Slave.

Ben deployed the Kayazy in front of a forest on my right flank, supported by Rhupert.  Alexia and the Bokur went on my left, supported by Saxon Orrik and Gorman.  The two 'jacks and MacBain went in the middle along with Aiyanna and Holt.  Wyshnallyr deployed next to Drake.

I deployed my Swordsmen opposite the Kayazy, since their Mat with Death March would be good enough to hurt them.  The Archidon went with the Swordsmen to give me some offensive spellcasting against the Kayazy.  The Titans deployed behind a forest opposite the Nomad and MacBain along with the Paingivers and Extoller Soulward.  Marketh went behind the Swordsmen and Archidon.

Eyriss deployed on my far right, next to the Kayazy

Turn 1: Mercenaries

Most things just ran.  Drake cast Failsafe on the Nomad, and Fortune on the Kayazy, and advanced.  Rhupert gave the Kayazy Pathfinder, and ran through the forest.  The Kayazy followed him, breaking out to the other side of the forest.  Alexia and the Bokur ran down my left flank, as did Saxon and Gorman.  The Nomad and Buccaneer ran more conservatively than the infantry.  Aiyanna and Holt ran to just ahead of Drake.

Drake would probably Feat next turn, and the Kayazy would be an immovable jamming object, so they were my first concern.  Ben had forgotten to move Eyriss, which was a minor mistake.  She'd be fast enough to see action if she wanted to, but she wouldn't necessarily get where she really wanted to be.

Turn 1: Skorne

The Archidon ran up near the Kayazy, and the Swordsmen rad to just behind it.  The Gladiator Rushed the Cannoneer, and Trampled forward.  The Cannoneer advanced, and tried to take a pot-shot at Alexia around the forest, but missed, then used Diminish.  The Paingivers advanced, and managed fury.  The Extoller Soulward advanced, and used Guidance on Hexeris.  Marketh advanced to behind the Swordsmen, and used Spell Slave to cast Soulfire at the Praetorian Swordsmen Standard Bearer.  He killed his target, which gave Hexeris an extra point of Fury, bringing him up to 8.

Then, Hexeris advanced, and I said "Hexodia... OBLITERATE!" before casting Obliteration twice on the Kayazy, who were clumped just a little too close together.  I killed seven of them, and took the Underboss down to his last hit box.

I was feeling a lot better about the Kayazy now that they were mostly dead.  My Swordsmen could wheel around to deal with other threats on their next turn, and possibly jam down MacBain and his 'jacks.

Turn 2: Mercenaries

MacBain and Sylas upkept some spells.  Eyriss advanced and shot Death March off of the Praetorian Swordsmen (also killing one).  Rhupert used Dirge of Mists on the Kayazy, giving them +1 Def and Terror.  The remaining Kayazy charged the Archidon, wounding it pretty badly.  One of them also got into melee range with a Swordsman, forcing a terror check.  I rolled boxcars, which I guess I deserved for killing the Standard Bearer, and the Swordsmen would be useless to me next turn.

Alexia advanced, and shot a Swordsman with Magic, but the Extoller was closer, and got the soul.  Aiyanna and Holt also advanced, but were out of range of the Swordsmen.  MacBain advanced and used his Feat, choosing the remaining 4 Kayazy, Alexia, the Bokur, Aiyanna, Holt, and Gorman to be super-tough.  Then he cast Rift at a Swordsman, killing him, and spawning some rough terrain in front of the Gladiator.  Alexia picked up the Soul.  The warjacks, not having received any focus this turn, merely advanced.

Well, that'll teach me to shoot a member of the warrior caste in the back, even if he doesn't have a sword of his own.  Next time, I'll shoot a Paingiver.  The situation wasn't that bad though.  I'd done very well to kill a bunch of Kayazy on turn 1.  Now I had to do what I could to knock models down, and protect myself from Ben's counterattack.

Turn 2: Skorne

Marketh upkept Soul Slave.  The Archidon tried to knock down some Kayazy, but failed to hit.  The Swordsmen rallied.  The Extoller put Guidance on the Cannoneer, who aimed and missed Saxon, then used Diminish.  The Paingivers Conditioned the Cannoneer, and Enraged the Gladiator.  The Gladiator Rushed herself and tried to Slam Alexia, but missed.  Hexeris put 4 Fury on the Agonizer, and camped 3, which would almost certainly be enough to survive.  The Agonizer used Spiritual Affliction, and ran as far as it could through the woods, trying to catch the Nomad.  Marketh recast Death March on the Swordsmen.

My dice had not done well this turn.  I'd hoped to do more to... anything, but oh well.  They wouldn't have died anyway, and I was still in a decent position.  It would be hard for Ben to kill Hexeris, but the Kayazy could get to him.  I should have run some Swordsmen around him to block all landing zones, but I didn't think of that until later.

Turn 3: Mercenaries

MacBain and Sylas upkept Fortune and Failsafe.  Alexia moved around to the side of the Gladiator, and cast magic at Hexeris.  She hit, and did some serious damage, which was transferred to the Cannoneer.  The Kayazy used Killstroke.  Three charged Hexeris, and one continued to attack and engage the Archidon.  Hexeris used up the rest of his transfers, and took some damage, but lived.  Rhupert gave the Kayazy Fearless and Tough, and Eyriss shot Death March off the Swordsmen, giving Marketh another soul.  Gorman aimed, and threw Black Oil at the Titan Gladiator, hitting and blinding both it and Eyriss.

Aiyanna tried to cast Kiss of Lylyss on the Gladiator, but missed and hit Alexia instead.  Holt shot the Gladiator, but also didn't do much damage.  The Bokur charged the Gladiator, but didn't do much damage.  Saxon charged and killed the Agonizer.  The Nomad advanced and attacked the Gladiator, but left it at about half health.  MacBain cast Jackhammer a couple of times, but also camped three focus in case I got a Soulfire angle on MacBain.  The Buccaneer advanced and attacked the Archidon, but missed.

Ok, my Swordsmen were back in action, and I'd survived the turn mostly intact.  I had a lot of work to do on my next turn, and I was still being pretty harshly limited by jamming and Blind.

Turn 3: Skorne

Marketh upkept Soul Slave, then advanced cast Death March on the Swordsmen.  The Swordsmen advanced, and wiped out the Kayazy.  The Extoller put Guidance on the Cannoneer, who aimed and blew up Gorman.  The Paingivers Conditioned the Cannoneer, and Medicated the Gladiator and Archidon.  Gladys didn't let a little thing like being Blind slow her down, and killed Alexia and the Bokur with her initial attacks.  The Archidon tried to Critically Pitch the Buccaneer, but merely damaged it heavily.  Hexeris retreated a bit, cast Diminish on himself, and Healed himself for one, camping 4.

That turn had gone pretty well, and the game was starting to look pretty good for me.  I'd probably lose the Gladiator and Archidon next turn, but I still had my Swordsmen, and the remaining Mercs were mostly powerful but fragile characters.  If I was careful, I could win a battle of attrition.

Turn 4: Mercernaries

Sylas upkept Failsafe.  MacBain allocated no focus.  Aiyanna tried to hit the Gladiator with Kiss of Lylyss again, but missed again.  Holt decided to shoot the Gladiator too, but didn't do much damage.  The Nomad and Orrik flailed at the Gladiator a little bit, damaging it some more.  Drake charged the Archidon, finishing it off, then cast Jackhammer on the Nomad until the Gladiator died.  Eyriss shot another Swordsman, removing Death March.

We were both down to our last few models now.  I doubted I could kill MacBain, but I was in a good position to attack his army.

Turn 4: Skorne

Through various means, I killed off Rhupert, Sylas, Holt, and the Buccaneer.  We had to call the game on account of time.

Ben said I had a slight position advantage, which I probably did, but he was far from out of the game himself.  Nonetheless, we called the game in favor of the Skorne.

Victory to the Skorne?


I played pretty well overall.  The opening salvo of Obliterations definitely shaped the game, and was probably the best move I made.  The Kayazy are a key unit for turn 2 jamming and offense in Ben's list, and getting rid of most of them before Drake's feat went up helped by a lot.  Maybe I should have cast Soulfire on a Paingiver, but I'd completely forgotten that Dirge of Mists also grants a unit Terror.  I also should have run my Swordsmen around Hexeris when they were fleeing, or, after Hexeris had been injured, cast Psychic Vampire.  At the time, Aiyanna and Alexia were still alive, and Drake was still planning to Jackhammer a lot.  That would have healed Hexeris up pretty well.  Come to think of it, there was enough magic in Ben's army that Psychic Vampire should have been on from the beginning.  I'll keep that in mind.

I really enjoyed the list, and found it very well balanced.  I wasn't at a loss against the Kayazy or Merc solos.  The Archidon is great as a medium-strength hitter with very high mobility and Soul Slave.  Marketh was amazing.  His ability to turn upkeeps back on or cast Soulfire for Hexeris really opens up my options, and lets Hexeris have plenty of Fury throughout the game.  The Cannoneer was solid this game.  It's possible that I would have been better off sending a Sentry out against Alexia on Turn 2, but Candes still worked well against the solos I tried to snipe off.

Ben also played pretty well.  His Kayazy were clustered on Turn 1, and not seeing Obliteration coming was probably his biggest mistake.  He might have been better served by sending the surviving Kayazy after my Swordsmen instead of Hexeris on Turn 2.  Hexeris and most of my Swordsmen ended up living, and I was starting to make good use of the Swordsmen again by my third turn.  Finally, he underestimated my Blinded Titan again.  Take it from the Basilisk Krea, losing your eyesight only makes you more accurate. 

Ben's list is strong and well rounded.  Every solo has an important job, and they work together well.  There are very few 35pt lists I feel would be terrible matchups for it  A limitation I hadn't noticed before the game was that an army of solos doesn't do attrition very well.  Drake's feat gives a lot of the army invulnerability for a turn, but beyond that, every hit on a solo in the army is a significant hit to either its offense or its support abilities.  That effect was more pronounced this game since the list's biggest source of Attrition had been badly mauled on Turn 1.

Finally, a special thanks to Sanctjud, from the PP Forums.  His stray comment about sacrificing Paingivers to Soulfire caused me to read that spell correctly for the first time since I got the MkII cards.  Most offensive Soul/Fury collecting mechanics only work on enemies now, and I assumed that Soulfire worked the same way.


  1. I think you're right about killing the Swordsmen rather than going for Hexy. 8s to hit Kayazy aren't that bad when they're rolling two attacks and get some back strikes as well. And my list just doesn't have the follow-up to kill a camping 'lock without getting a heavy or Drake into the fight. So sure, I did damage, but it didn't reduce your offensive capabilities in the slightest, and then they all died. Dirge of Mists would have been a better call as well, since Heroic Call's Tough doesn't seem as good against 2 attack models as DEF 17 is (though I should really do the math).

    Also, never underestimate either the power of the dark side or the range of an arced 4" AOE. That was decidedly devastating. Well played.

    I'm not sure whether Psychic Vampire would have worked all that well, though. My magic users were eAlexia, Aiyana and Drake. Aiyana's 5 hit boxes are basically irrelevant against anything that actually hits her (e.g. a boosted POW 7 Cannoneer blast kills her on a 9, not hard at all), so it's not that big a deal to have a couple HP drained in order to Kiss things. Drake doesn't care because if Hexy ends his turn within 14", an Energizer charge can get him in with a Grievous Wounds sword, and if he doesn't, Drake can probably Jackhammer just fine from outside thanks to the enhanced 8" range. eAlexia does care, but she's only one, quite tough, model, casting a max of one spell per turn. Just not sure if it's worth the Fury investment over Soulfire/Obliteration/etc.

    One final lesson for the mercs:
    Actually use the Buccaneer. One focus to Assault-net the Gladiator (probably two for boosting) on Turn 3 before tossing Black Oil would have made a difference. Specifically, it would have kept two great solos (eAlexia and the Bokur) alive by allowing them to get out of melee as well as allowing Aiyana to hit with Kiss and crank my damage up by another 6-10 points over the course of the turn.

    Thanks for the game! Definitely great fun, and the Hexy list seems quite synergistic and effective.

  2. It wasn't the offensive part of Psychic Vampire I was thinking about, actually. It was the healing. I was down to my last warbeast at the end, and 6 hit boxes is not a good place place to be when you need to start cutting for Fury. Psychic Vampire would have healed Hexy by maybe 3-6 points over your two turns depending on placement (the one turn where Drake did cast a lot of Jackhammers, he was definitely in 14" of Hexeris, there was just a lot of other stuff between them).

    That game, I could have upkept Psychic Vampire easily with Soul Tokens after the Archidon died. It would have left me in a better position for the "dancing around the forest" phase of the game we ended up skipping.

  3. Makes sense. I was thinking of it in terms of the hypothetical where I had not thrown Kayazy at him. In the actual context, you're absolutely right.

  4. It's true that Psychic Vampire is a pretty situational spell. If Hexy hadn't taken damage, I would probably never have considered it. I should start thinking about it in more games, though, especially if I have Marketh around for efficiency.

    It completely breaks spell units like Druids, Battle Mages, and Hex Hunters. I do sometimes use it to grind down spellslinger solos and multi-box character units. It's sometimes able to put pressure on warcasters. It will never kill them, but if they let it, it can get them to the point where 1 to 2 boosted Soulfires can.

    And it lets me be a little more aggressive with pHexeris when it's up. It's a lot more efficient then spending Fury if he needs to heal.
