Thursday, February 21, 2013

Retribution, Lists in Progress and New Directions

I picked up the Retribution of Scyrah Battle Box earlier today.  It contains Kaelyssa, a Griffon, a Chimera (both light 'Jacks), and a Manticore (heavy).  Since my model collection has expanded a bit, I can modify my lists a bit.  Here's what I've got for now at 35pts

Lord Arcanist Ossyan (+6)
*Banshee (10)
*Manticore (8)

10 Dawnguard Invictors (10)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
10 Mage Hunter Strike Force (8)
*Strike Force Commander (2)

Arcanist (1)

I replaced the Phoenix with the Manticore for a couple of reasons.  The first is to bring the Strike Force up to maximum, which adds some nice hitting power and flexibility to the list.  The second is that the Manticore has slightly better synergy with Ossyan.  It has 3 shots for the feat to boost, can lay down a Pow 12 Covering Fire AoE to help Admonition prevent enemy alpha strikes, and hits at Pow 20 in melee with Concentrated Power and its Force Generator ability.  The Manticore does lack Reach, which hurts the Invictors a little, and I do have to give up the second Arcanist.  Overall though, I think it's well worth the trade off.

And here's Kaelyssa at 35pts.

Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper (+7)
*Phoenix (10)
*Banshee (10)
*Sylas Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2)

10 Dawnguard Invictors (10)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
6 Mage Hunter Strike Force (5)
*Strike Force Commander (2)

Arcanist (1)

This is pretty similar to the Ossyan list I made originally, but I expect it to play very differently.  For one thing, Phantom Seeker on Kaelyssa and/or the Banshee is going to be a huge threat.  For another, Kaelyssa will want to do some actual offensive spellslinging through the Phoenix.  Overall, I think that this list is going to get some early hits at range, then rely on Kaelyssa's Feat (and Rift and such) to either get a Flank charge off, or just stand and shoot for another round.  I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

There are two other lists I've been thinking about, and both would be pretty easy to proxy.  The first is going to be a Garryth list since sweet Nigel gave me a Garryth model a few weeks ago.  Here it is:

Garryth, Blade of the Retribution (+5)
*Phoenix (10)
*Chimera (6)

10 Dawnguard Sentinels (9)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
*Daemon (9)

House Shyeel Magister (2)
Arcanist (1)
Arcanist (1)

I have no experience with Garryth, but he has some very cool spells and abilities to leverage.  Here's what I'm thinking for this list.  Garryth can use Gallows and Death Sentence to play attrition pretty well, so he wants two arc nodes for spell vectors.  The Phoenix brings a whole mess of other tools to the table as well.  The Sentinels, while pretty awesome can openers on their own, get to benefit from Mirage as well as Vengeance, so they can potentially charge 15" if a few die.  They're also 'Jack Marshalling a Daemon with its Hellmouth gun.  Drive: Pronto will give me a lot more mobility and options with the gun, which I'll mainly use to wipe out infantry and pull things around for Garryth.  Eiryss does her thing, and the Arcanists support the Myrmidons.

EDIT:  Looks like I misremembered Garryth's Warjack points when typing this up the first time.  He has 5, meaning I need to drop a point.  Right now, I'm liking the idea of a Mage Hunter Assassin or House Shyeel Magister instead of eEiryss.  However, this list is a pretty long way off, so I'll have plenty of time to futz around with it. 

The other list I've been considering (because it would be very easy to expand to) is:

Vyros Incissar of the Dawnguard (+5)
*Phoenix (10)
*Manticore (8)
*Griffon (4)
*Griffon (4)

10 Dawnguard Invictors (10)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)

Arcanist (1)
Arcanist (1)

All I'd need is eVyros, the second Griffon, and the Second Arcanist.  The idea is to use the multiple 'Jacks for Synergy on offense.  The Invictors can shoot or Flank, which will be easy in this list (3 Reach 'Jacks!).  Vyros will use the Phoenix to arc a few offensive spells into the enemy.  Twister and Lock the Target, combined with Covering Fire, will be good for the list's board control.  Easy Rider and Vyros' Feat can give me some good options for mobility.

That's the State of the Lists with Retribution for the moment.  Two lists I've got that I'm pretty happy with, and two that I'm going to work toward in the coming months.

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