Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Warlock Thoughts: pMakeda and Mordikaar

I've been doing a lot of thinking about pMakeda and Mordikaar recently.

I've been thinking about pMakeda because I don't feel that my current pMakeda list fits together the way I want it to.  Since my Bronzeback is almost done, I'm thinking of making the following changeups.

Archdomina Makeda (+5)
*Bronzeback Titan (10)
*Titan Gladiator (8)
*Archidon (7)
*Aptimus Marketh (3)

10 Praetorian Swordsmen (6)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
4 Paingiver Beast Handlers (2)

Agonizer (2)

The basic idea is to yo-yo the heavies with Lighting Strike and Savagery, or curl them around the back lines if I want to.  The Agonizer is a great defensive and denial piece.  The Swordsmen are their usual infantry-clearing, warbeast-protecting selves.  Lightning Strike also lets Makeda get some use out of Blood Quenched to boost her armor.

Combos I'm feeling for this list right now are:

Bronzeback + Lightning Strike + Savagery.  Advance 9 inches, do some killing, and maybe some 2-handed Throwing from Grab & Smash, then walk back 9 inches.

Archidon + Defender's Ward.  Def 16 Heavies that can't be knocked down are very annoying.

The thinking I've been doing about Mordikaar has actually been inspired by Michael's games against eMorghoul.  Michael's opponent has been running eMorghoul with Venator Reivers + UA in order to use things like Ghost Walk and eMorghoul's Feat to disengage them from combat before shooting the enemy.  I've been considering picking up Mordikaar for a while now, and it seems like he would do that even better.  So here's what I've come up with.

Void Seer Mordikaar (+5)
*Bronzeback Titan (10)
*Basilisk Krea (4)

6 Cataphract Cetrati (11)
10 Venator Rievers (9)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
4 Paingiver Beast Handlers (2)

Void Spirit (2)

The basic idea is to shoot a lot with the Venators on the way in, and use them as my primary Hollow target and jamming unit.  I'll used Ghost Walk to disengage them once they've been engaged, and Revive to pop new models into good CRA positions.  They're bad in melee, but they'll be supported by the stronger Cataphracts.  I'd prefer to have Arcuarii to Cetrati with this list, to give it even more of a ranged punch, but I don't own Arcuarii, and Cetrati have the advantage of being harder to kill when they're in Shield Wall.  The Krea is to protect Mordikaar from ranged assassination, and to maybe help with my overall accuracy problem.  The Bronzeback is a pure second line model in this list.  I'll need something with a lot of punch for the late game, and the Bronzeback is it.

I will probably try these lists out in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Your blog is a great read so far, Def going to be back for some more!

    I am new to Privateer press, decided to play Skorne based almost solely on visual appeal and recently picked up pMakeda. Think I'm gonna start trying to build this list as it looks like a lot of fun. Already have half the stuff on order but has been on back order for almost 2 weeks!

    Curious about your thoughts on Cyclops in general. So far playing battlebox games I've had a mixed bag with them. Really looking forward to swapping out a savage for a shaman.

    Had two 15 point games last night, narrowly beaten by a cavalry-jack cygnar list, and managed a caster kill with pMorghoul against Absolonia, Carnivean and a Scythean. (after losing my Titan and a savage in a single round!) Loving the faction so far though!

    Could you suggest some 25pt lists using pMakeda and pMorghoul for me to try out?
