Friday, January 30, 2015

4+ Tough Get Together Battle Report: Incissar Vyros Goes to Shyrr

Scene: Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard and scion of House Nyarr hobbles to the table and sits down. He is on crutches and has one of his arms in a sling. Before him are a group of reporters from the various noble Iosan houses.

Vyros: *shuffles papers, clears throat* We're here to discuss what happened at the latest battle against the invaders from the east. A conflict occurred shortly after the beginning of ^4576 between myself and the leader of the skorne warhost. Our allies in the Retribution had gathered intelligence that this chieftain was in the neighborhood of Lyliss' Tower, so I gathered a Dawnguard battle group to eliminate this incursion. We fought the barbarians and, through my tactical brilliance and the sacrifice of many of our brave Dawnguard, managed a surgical strike to cut the head off of this invading host. Yes, the councilman from Shyeel.

Shyeel representative: What forces did you bring to bear against the easterners, and did you feel that you were adequately equipped to take on this incursion?

Vyros: I didn't want to deprive our border Aeryths of undue force so only took my personal battle group containing 5 Griffons, two Aspises, Imperatus and a hand picked squad of Sentinels and Thane Styyv who chose to be mounted. A pair of Arcanists were allocated to help maintain and arm the myrmidons. Our Retribution allies had drawn off the main body of Makeda's warhost, leaving her with a small but heavily armed force of cyclops and titans that I felt my Guardians would be more than a match for. Yes, the councilman from Rhyslyrr.

Rhyslyrr representative: Please go into more detail about what events transpired.

Vyros: We maintained the element of surprise and charged down on the invaders. Thane Styyv flanked to the right to neutralize the enemy's Agonizer while my main forces went down the center.

The savages reacted as expected, the honor guard Cyclopes taking the vanguard while the more valuable titans, walking statues, the chieftain and agonizer were kept in the rear.

This of course played perfectly into my cunning plan. The Sentinels maneuvered forward to buy my battlegroup enough time to surround our true objective, a defensible point that, if we held it long enough, would allow us to force the entire enemy column back to the border. Yes, again the councilman from Rhyslyrr.

Rhyslyrr representative: According to my notes Thane Styyv did not return from the engagement. Was this also part of your plan?

Vyros: *snarling* Thane Styyv, unfortunately, did not read up on my latest tactical stratagems and attempted to use his rockets to neutralize the enemy agonizer, forgetting that the bastard Krea would make such shots pointless.

Nevertheless, the enemy continued to play into my hands. The Dawnguard bought enough time for my forces to get into position, holding the enemy beasts at bay. Thane Styyv paid for his mistake when the Krea tore him in two, allowing the agonizer to hamper my connection with my myrmidons.

Still, I am nothing if not resourceful. Marshalling my Warjacks I started the chain, increasing their ferocity and skill with each strike, leading to the deaths of one of their walking statues, the Agonizer as well as my true target, the barbarian cyclops chieftain that leads these damned invaders, the beast called Molik Karn. Victory having been achieved, my forces quit the field.

*much clapping fills the chamber. Several onlookers start chanting Vyros' name until a gavel is heard*

Shyeel representative: *panging a force gavel* I'm sorry Incissar, but there seems to be some conflicting reports as to the outcome of the battle.

Vyros: *glaring* What do you mean?

Shyeel representative: Merely that under normal circumstances the loss of one of their chieftains has, much like the loss of one of our commanders, led to the rout of the enemy force, yet that doesn't seem to be the case here. In fact the beasts under-

Vyros: *standing up angrily* This interview is at an end.

Shyeel representative: *talking louder over the murmur of the crowd* -the beasts seemed to still be acted on by a guiding hand. Are you sure that you defeated the chieftain, Incissar? And where did those sabre wounds come from? Can you confirm or deny the presence of a flaming, nearly dead titan standing on top of your war horse?

Vyros: *shambles out of the conference room* THIS CONFERENCE IS OVER.

- End Scene -

To see the skorne's take on the scene, check out this post.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!

    Molik Karn, the leader of the Skorne faction, was indeed taken out. The Paingivers will have to hit him pretty hard if he's going to heal back from that.
