This past Friday we moved up to 25pts, meaning that if I want to stay ahead on painting, I need to get my act together this week.
I played a fun game, even though it was small, so I'll do a report. At 25pts, I had:
Bane Witch Agathia (*29pts)
*Reaper (13pts)
*Slayer (10pts)
*Canker Worm (9pts)
*Deathripper (6pts)
Pistol Wraith (5pts)
Carrion Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
To the usual Cryx battlegroup, I added Canker Worm, who does a lot of what Agathia lets her army do on its own, max Carrion Thralls as a jamming force and to finish off Parasited enemies, and a Pistol Wraith for a little bit of a ranged game and some control.
My opponent, Ben is building up a circle army with:
Tanith the Feral Song (*31pts)
*Pureblood Warpwolf (17pts)
*Woldwyrd (9pts)
*Gorax Rager (7pts)
*Wild Argus (7pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (9pts)
*Command Attachment (Warpborn Alpha) (4pts)
Shifting Stones (Leader and 2 Grunts) (3pts)
Ben added the Woldwyrd, to add more shots and punish the opponent for using their upkeep spells, Shifting Stones to help with Fury management and teleporting models around, and min Skinwalkers + Alpha to have an independent batch of damage dealing infantry.
I ended up going fist. I think we were supposed to switch to a zone scenario, but we didn't.
Round 1
I ran just about everything. I put Hellwrought on Canker Worm because Stealth would protect it from the Woldwyrd a little. I also wanted to bait Ben into damaging it to get a little extra movement.
Ben moved forward cautiously, and hid Tanith in the woods. He miscalculated a bit, and put a Shifting Stone in range of my Reaper. The Pureblood cast Wraithbane on itself, and did a hefty chunk of damage to Canker Worm with its spray, but didn't take out any systems.
Cryx Turn 2
Canker Worm crossed the wall, and Agathia dropped Hellwrought. The Reaper killed the lead Shifting Stone with its harpoon. The Deathripper ran to within 8" of the Gorax. Agathia advanced, Feated, then put Parasite on the Gorax.
Canker Worm charged and killed the Gorax, then vanished into melee with the Woldwyrd. The Carrion Thralls jammed up the Skinwalkers, but did no damage. The Pistol Wraith and Slayer ran forward.
Circle Turn 2
Tanith put Admonition on the Pureblood. The Argus and Woldwyrd killed Canker Worm. The Purblood sprayed at the Reaper, but did no damage. The Shifting Stones moved to block my from Dragging the Pureblood. The Skinwalkers killed a couple of birds.
Cryx Turn 3
Agathia allocated 2 each to the Slayer and Reaper.
She activated first, advanced, and cast Ghost Walk on the Carrion Thralls. The Deathripper charged the Shifting Stone blocking the drag on the Pureblood, but only did one damage. The Pistol Wraith shot at the Pureblood, did some damage, and more importantly, successfully made it Stationary with its Chain Attack.
I sent the Carrion Thralls against the damaged Shifting Stone, but they failed to kill it. I repositioned them to jam 3 out of the 4 Skinwalkers. The Reaper dragged in and killed the fourth.
Circle Turn 3
Tanith upkept Admonition, and the Pureblood shook off Stationary.
The Skinwalkers and Woldwyrd killed off most of the Carrion Thralls. Tanith cought the Deathripper with Shadowbind from her ranged weapon, and the Argus finished it off. The Shifting Stones moved to partially screen Tanith, and the Pureblood charged the Slayer, but failed to kill it.
Cryx Turn 4
I had a chance to assassinate Tanith, since her only available transfer target was the Argus. Agathia allocated 1 Focus to the Reaper.
The Pistol Wraith aimed, and froze the Argus, which the Reaper dragged in and killed. Then Agathia Vanished forward, and charged Tanith, and killed her.
As I said earlier, a fun game. It could have gone very differently if Ben had correctly measured the distance from his Stones to my Reaper and stayed out of range on his first turn. The Carrion Thralls with Ghost Walk worked very well, although I was hoping to get more work out of them with Finisher. The list certainly gels a lot better with some infantry to keep the 'jacks screened, and with the jam going, the Reaper was able to sit back and be a menace. Ben said after the game that it really messed with his head and put him on the back foot.
My next upgrade will be min Soulhunters and Barathrum because the models are amazing. Tomorrow I'll be back to non-JML posts, but in the meantime, thanks for reading!
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