Saturday, April 28, 2012

Battle Precis - 3 Little Fights

Well, I just got back from Tower, and I'm going to keep updates pretty short and frequent until I get used to updating consistently. So here are quick versions of the fights I had. There will be a little more discussion in the comments, too.

Fight 1 (15pts): pBaldur (Caleb) vs pMorghoul (pGrexy)

Morghoul was using: Titan Gladiator, Titan Cannoneer, Cyclops Savage.

Baldur was using: Megalith, Woldwyrd, 5 Woldstalkers and Guest.

I went second. Caleb advanced quickly up a flank, leading with the Woldwyrd, with Megalith and Baldur in support. The Woldstalkers stayed toward the middle. I also advanced pretty quickly, keeping my beasts in a loose formation around Morghoul. On turn 2, Caleb focused fire on my Cannoneer, mostly killing it, and popped Baldur's feat. I replied by killing his Woldwyrd with my Cyclops Savage, who made it into combat thanks to copious movement bonuses.

Megalith killed the Savage, but was killed in turn by my Titan Gladiator. After that, Baldur was out of beasts, and staring down a full health Gladys. Caleb went for an epic long-shot assassination that didn't quite pan out.

Fight 2 (15pts): pMorghoul (pGrexy) vs Reznik

I was using the same list. Reznik was using: 2 Reckoners, 2 Vassals of Menoth, 4 Chorists (choir), Vassal Mechanic.

I went second again. Reznik and his posse advanced up to a low wall. I ran forward quickly to get to grips. Those Reckoners half killed my Cannoneer, and set her on fire too. I responded by repositioning for a flank attack on his support models, and mashed a Reckoner up with a Slam follow up from Gladys. I foolishly left Morghoul in charge range of a Reckoner, though, and Reznik feated, clearing off my Fury. The Reckoner, which had Iron Aggression on it, charged and 1-shot Morghoul. :(

Fight 3 (25pts): pMorghoul (pGrexy) vs pBaldur (Caleb)

Morghoul used: Titan Cannoneer, Titan Gladiator, Cyclops Savage, Basilisk Krea 4 Paingiver Beast Handlers, Agonizer, Extoller Soulward.

Baldur used: Megalith, Woldwyrd, Woldwatcher 5 Woldstalkers and Guest, Shifting Stones + Stone Keeper, Blackclad Wayfarer.

Caleb had no real answer to my heavy beasts besides Megalith, and the matchup was harshened still more by the Basilisk Krea's aura. We called the game on turn two rather than watch the next few turns unfold.

1 comment:

  1. I admit I had some doubts about the Krea at first, but part of the attraction of pMorghoul with a Cannoneer is the option of hanging back and shooting instead of rushing in headlong. The Krea was key to this in the game I took her. I was standing up to Caleb's shooting a *lot* better with Paralytic Aura in place than without it. I just didn't feel the same pressure to run into Baldur's Broken Ground o' Doom. The Woldstalkers just weren't a threat to Candes any more, and I felt like I could take my time on the way in.

    Both of my other games would have gone more smoothly with a Krea around. Weathering the Reckoner shooting in particular would have been much, much easier. I'll have to see how she does against a wider selection of lists, but right now, I'm really liking the Krea.
