Monday, March 30, 2020

Skorne Faction Review Part 2: Warlocks

Buckle in folks, this'll be a long one.

The CID process, despite its faults, has given us a fairly good stable of Warlocks.  They're nearly all usable, and while most of theme have some weaknesses, they also have solid game plans and tools to make the opponent think.  I'm not going to try to sort them into tiers, because honestly, I'm not good enough to make that kind of call.  If you're new to the game, I have some recommendations, but try what seems cool, and figure out what works for you.  If you've got more experience, maybe something I mention here will get you to consider one of our warlocks in a new light.  Or maybe you'll think I'm totally wrong, in which case let me know.

Without further ado, Skorne Warlocks:

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Skorne Faction Review Part 1: Themes

Hello, everyone who still follows this blog.  It's been close to a year, during which a lot has happened in my life, which unfortunately did not include playing a lot of WarmaHordes.  We're now in the midst of a global pandemic, so it seems like that situation will continue for some time.


I'm more or less settled from the other, non-wargame stuff I've been doing, and now have a lot of free time at home to think about games, build armies on Warroom, and aimlessly wish I could get back to playing.  But since theorymachine is the responsible thing to do right now, I'm may as well post my musings so other people can correct me if I'm too far astray.  I might try playing on Vassal soon, but Vassal games take a long time, and aren't as fun as in-person games.

Since I've been out of the game so long, I'm going to start with a review of my main faction and host of horrible torture-babies: Skorne.