Thursday, February 4, 2016

They Believe in Nothing!

I'm still here.  I just got derailed by life for a bit.

As of posting this, I've finished my Nihilators.  Behold!

And I'm looking forward to running the painted unit.  I'm still on the fence for who to bring for Adepticon.  Makeda 3 is locked in, and since I want to do ADR, I'm torn between eHexeris and eZaal as a second list.  I have a pretty good idea of a shooty eHexy list I want to run, but that requires a hoksune of a lot of work if I'm going to meet Adepticon's painting requirement.  I'm still considering what I want to run for eZaal.  I suspect it will take more games to find out.


  1. Thanks! These guys were fun to do. I thought I'd hate the blades popping out of their skin everywhere, but they actually kept things interesting.
