Makeda and the Exalted Court (*2pts)
*Molik Karn (11pts)
*Bronzeback Titan (10pts)
*Aradus Sentinel (8pts)
*Aradus Sentinel (8pts) - proxied by a Titan Cannoneer
*Cyclops Raider (5pts)
*Basilisk Krea (4pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Agonizer (2pts)
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor (2pts)
What I wasn't completely sure about with the list was the double Willbreaker and Extoller package. They certainly added good options for the ranged game, and Puppet Master is a great ability for any battle plan, but I wanted to try making the list a little tankier and give it a little more control over what my opponent could do. I also really like putting Swarm up on the Aradi after shooting with them, but if I try to Ancillary Attack them after their activations, Swarm will have replaced Far Strike, and they won't have nearly as much range.
Thus I added the Krea and Orin Midwinter. The Krea's extra defense against shooting isn't strictly necessary if the Aradi are going to be my main ranged pieces, but I do like the idea of having Def 15 Arm 25 against shooting on the Aradi. It's also pretty likely that seasoned players will ignore the bugs they can't hurt, and use their shooting against my more valuable models before it gets taken out by the Aradi. The Krea makes that significantly harder to do, and the +2 Arm keeps the Exalted Guardians around a lot longer as persistent Shield Guards than they'd be anyway.
More to the point, Far Strike makes the Krea's Spiritual Paralysis gun a pretty decent control option against Hordes lists, and an assassination enabler against any living Warlock/caster. I decided to add Orin for extra control with Null Magic. Between the Agonizer, Orin, and the Krea, the idea was to take away my opponents' best options against my Brick while the Aradi blasted them.
My opponent and co-blogger, Caleb, was trying out the Glacier King, who looks quite good, and was running it with Gunnbjorn in the following list.
Captain Gunnbjorn (*6pts)
*Glacier King (18pts)
*Troll Impaler (5pts)
*Rune Bearer (2pts)
Trollkin Highwaymen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Trollkin Warders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Kriel Stone Bearer and Stone Scribes (Leader and 3 Grunts) (3pts)
*Stone Scribe Elder (1pt)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
Janissa Stonetide (3pts)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (2pts)
5 Troll Whelps (2pts)
I haven't played against the Glacier King at all yet, but it has everything I really want to see from a Garg: a good ranged option, the ability to crush anything it wants in melee, and some nifty army support. With it's RoF 3 wind gun, it also seems like a good fit for Gunny, who can boost all its attack rolls so that it can focus on boosting damage. The list overall is a gunline, and while it can certainly dish out a hurting at range, it might be in a pickle if the Highwaymen are engaged, and can't fight their way out. The only thing I'd consider changing off the top of my head is to maybe swap the Warders for a faster jammier unit to set the line of engagement ahead of the shooting elements.
I'm not an expert on Trollbloods, although I do know that Gunnbjorn doesn't get a lot of love. Looking at the most recent shooting options available though, including the Glacier King, that might start to change.
Anyway, on to the game.
We played Close Quarters. There are two flags set up diagonally across the table center from one another - one for each player. Dominate the friendly flag or control the enemy flag for 1CP, or dominate the enemy flag for 2CP's.
I won the roll-off, and decided to go first. Caleb picked the table side with slightly better defensive terrain, and pre-deployed the Glacier King in the center of his zone behind a forest. I deployed the Raider, Krea, and Makeda in the center of my deployment zone, flanked them with the Bronzeback and Molik, and deployed the support behind them, and the Exalted Guardians on the sides.
Caleb deployed Gunnbjorn right next to the Glacier King on the right (from my perspective) along with the Impaler and Rune Bearer. The Highwaytrolls went a bit further out on the right with the Stone Scribe Chronicler behind them to give them Concealment (and therefore Camouflage). The Kriel Stone, Warders, and Fell Caller went on the Glacier King's left, and Janissa went next to Gunnbjorn to help Wall him up as necessary.
I Advance Deployed my Aradi right in front of the Krea and Makeda where they could screen those models from incoming fire, and started my turn.
Skorne Turn 1
The Aradi ran. The Krea used Paralytic Aura, and charged the Glacier King. Molik advanced, and used Fate Walker. The Bronzeback and Raider ran. Makeda cast Vortex of Destruction, put 4 Fury on the Agonizer, and charged the Glacier King, while her Guardians moved into a box formation around my bug-tipped brick. The Paingivers walked up, and managed Fury. The Agonizer and Orin ran. Molik walked a little closer with Fate Walker.
![]() |
This was taken before Molik's Fate Walker move. |
This is probably a basic unpacking with this list. The bug wall backed up by a Krea does feel pretty invincible to shooting, and Swarm isn't even up yet.
Trollbloods Turn 1
Gunnbjorn advanced and dumped 5 Fury into the Kriel Stone. The Rune Bearer advanced, and put Snipe on the Highwaytrolls, who ran cautiously forward. The Impaler advanced next to Gunnbjorn, and put Far Strike on the Glacier King, and the Stone Scribe Chronicler advanced behind the Highwaymen, and gave them Concealment with Tale of Mists.
The Glacier King walked forward, and shot the unproxied Aradus, doing 2pts of damage, and pushing it back into the Raider (a little under an inch). The Warders and Fell Caller ran up to start screening the Glacier King, and the Kriel Stone used its +2Arm aura, and ran up behind them. Finally, Janissa walked up and plunked a wall down in front of Gunny, and the Whelps ran up behind the Glacier King.
The Glacier King is certainly a good shooter. My super high Arm and brick formation had saved me from a round of high-Pow push shooting, which will probably be punishing to most armies. The rest of the advance was pretty measured, everyone staying back a bit to get more shooting in, and let the Glacier King's melee presence threaten anything that got too close.
Skorne Turn 2
Makeda leached, and upkept Vortex of Destruction.
The brick shuffled forward in what turned out to be a pretty finicky activation order. The Raider went first, and put Far Strike on one Aradus, which advanced, shot the Glacier King for a little damage, and used Swarm. Then the Krea moved up behind the Aradus which had already activated, and used Paralytic Aura. Then the Agonizer moved forward, and used Gnawing Pain.
Makeda put 2 more Fury on the Agonizer, cast Far Strike on the other Sentinel, and moved up with her unit. Both Exalted Guardians moved over to the right side of the brick, because I had a theory that Caleb would be targeting Molik pretty heavily with next turn's shooting. The second Sentinel moved up base to base with the first one, and took another shot at the Glacier King, adding a little bit more damage. It also used Swarm. Molik and the Bronzeback advanced, and the Paingivers moved up to manage Fury.
Finally, Orin walked up, and cast Stealth on himself.
That had been a pretty specific activation order, but also pretty manageable. I was really liking the ability to throw down so much ranged damage with Makeda 3, even if the dice hadn't been rolling well so far. I was far, far safer against the Trollblood shooting than the Glacier King was against mine. My plan was to move forward at 3" per turn while softening the Garg up. When I was ready to unleash Makeda's Feat on Caleb's infantry, I'd hopefully be able to finish the Glacier King off, or leave it too damaged to retaliate effectively.
Trollbloods Turn 2
The Glacier King ate a Whelp to get down to the right amount of Fury. Gunnbjorn leached it all in and upkept Snipe.
The Highwaytrolls advanced, and fired 2 Pow 20 CRA's into the Cyclops Raider, taking out its Mind, and damaging one of my Exalted Guardians (they rolled poorly enough not to kill her). The Rune Bearer used Harmonious Extrolltation on Gunnbjorn to reduce the cost of one of his spells by one. Gunnbjorn stayed put, and popped his Feat to give the Trollbloods Cover, Steady, and immunity to blast damage. He cast Guided Fire, put Far Strike on the Glacier King, and took a shot with his Bazooka at the unproxied Aradus, hoping for a Critical Devastation. He hit, but didn't get the critical, and did no damage.
The Impaler put Far Strike on itself, and shot Molik, scoring a Critical Smite. I Shield Guarded the shot with my other Exalted Guardian, and she was slammed backward into a Paingiver, killing it but suffering no damage herself. The Glacier King then advanced again, and laid into Molik with its icy cool breath, breaking his Spirit and badly damaging his Mind and Body.
The Warders ran up around Caleb's flag. The Fell Caller tried to yell Orin to death (his spray getting around Stealth), but came up just short on the damage roll. The Kriel Stone moved up and used its Aura again, and the Stone Scribe Chronicler gave the Highwaytrolls Concealment and Feign Death again. Janissa put a wall in front of Gunny again. The Whelps ran up behind their frosty liege.
Well, this list can put out some serious shooting. Caleb quickly realized it was pointless to shoot the Aradi, and focused on Molik, just as I'd thought he might. I'm happy I brought the Krea into this matchup, although I'm still not convinced she needs to be in the normal list. I was in a good position now to get some work done on Caleb's infantry. I'd try to take out the Warders and as many Highwaytrolls as I could. If I could boil the attrition game down to one wounded Glacier King against 2-3 heavies and Makeda, I would be in a good place.
Skorne Turn 3
Makeda leached, and upkept Vortex of Destruction.
The Aradi went after the Glacier King, who they didn't need Snipe to hit any more. Combined, they did a bit more damage, but my dice were really... cold? Eh? Eh??? Ok, sorry. Anyway, they didn't do much. Both used Swarm again though. Raider advanced, and put Far Strike on the Krea, but didn't shoot.
Makeda used her Feat, healed Molik's Spirit, and put Train Wreck on him to give him Beat Back. She gave her unit a run/charge order. She charged a Warder, while her Guardians moved into position to block reprisal on my army next turn. Makeda rolled abysmally on damage, but did manage to kill the Warder with her last attack, and used Blood Boon to cast Fate Walker.
The Paingivers Enraged Molik and the Bronzeback, and Conditioned Fury off the proxied Aradus. The Bronzeback charged into the Warders, killed two more, and put some damage on the Fell Caller, who Toughed. Molik charged into the Highwaytrolls, killed 5 (he also didn't roll spectacularly well) and engaged 2 of the remaining 5. The Krea advanced, shot the Glacier King with Spiritual Paralysis to prevent it from running or charging, and used Paralytic Aura.
Orin tried to fry up some Kriel Stone Bearers with Arc Lightning, but didn't kill any. The Agonizer used Gnawing Pain and walked up into the Aradus bunker again. Makeda took her Fate Walker move, and ducked back behind the Aradi herself.
I was still in a pretty good position, even though my feat turn hadn't been as dynamic as I'd wanted. Molik was still in danger, but Makeda largely wasn't, thanks to the Glacier King being unable to charge. The Bronzeback had probably done enough damage that the Warder's wouldn't be much of a concern going forward. I'd probably lose a few activations to Frenzy checks on my next turn, but overall I didn't think that was likely to matter much.
Trollbloods Turn 3
Gunnbjorn dropped Snipe, and the Glacier King enjoyed another Whelp to get its Fury under control.
The Kriel Stone put up its Arm and Strength buff. The two surviving Warders and the Fell Caller attacked the Bronzeback, and put some damage on it. The Rune Bearer and Stone Scribe Chronicler did their things. Gunnbjorn tried to Critically Devastate my Aradi out from in front of Makeda again, but didn't get the critical. He camped 3 in case Molik
The Glacier King advanced, trying to get melee range on the Aradi, but ended up a quarter-inch or so short. It then blasted the Krea, damaging her heavily, pushing her back about 7 inches, and knocking her down. Janissa Tectonic Shifted Molik back to free up two of the Highwaytrolls he was engaging. They all took shots at the Raider, damaging it some more, but not killing it. The Impaler put Far Strike on itself, and killed Orin.
The Whelps ran up to help out the Glacier King, and Caleb ended his turn.
The Krea's Paralysis beam had paid off in spades, and instead of looking at 1-2 dead Aradi, which was the likely outcome of the Glacier King charging my brick, I'd be able to take it down pretty well with what I had. Of course, there were going to be some Frenzy checks next turn, but I was fine with that as long as I could continue to leverage my attrition advantage.
Skorne Turn 4
I leached all the Fury I could from the unproxied Aradus, and started rolling Frenzy checks. Molik Frenzied (but the Highwaytroll he attacked passed its Tough check), as did the Bronzeback (killing the Fell Caller), and the Krea (who could only stand up). The Cyclops Raider passed its check thanks to Molik's leadership ability, and the unproxied Aradus (which still had 1 Fury on it) passed as well. Makeda upkept Vortex of Destruction.
A lot of my list had already activated, but I could make a significant impact with what I had left. Makeda and her unit activated, and walked. Makeda walked up to the Glacier King and one Warder, which one of her Guardians also engaged. The other Guardian walked to engage the Glacier King. The first Guardian killed the Warder, while the other one and Makeda put a lot of damage on the Glacier King, though Makeda kept 3 Fury for transfers. The Paingivers Enraged both Aradi, and healed the Raider.
The first Aradus was enough to put the Glacier King on ice. B)
The second one charged the Impaler, but bumped into my Exalted Guardian and stopped. The Agonizer used Gnawing Pain again, and advanced.
I was in a very good position now. Makeda was safe behind her 3 Fury, and Caleb's means of dealing with her were very limited. The Glacier King was gone, and next turn I'd have control of Molik and the Bronzeback again. The plan at this point was to start grinding out the rest of the game, while dominating my own flag, something I'd neglected to do so far, but should have been doing to force Caleb to approach me more.
Trollbloods Turn 4
Caleb tried to see what he could do to Makeda with what he had available. It ended up not being much. To Tectonic Shift her out of Shield Guard range, Janissa would be pushing her into melee, and neither Gunnbjorn nor the Impaler was up to the task of eating through her transfers in any case. Caleb was also running low on time, and decided to concede.
Victory to the Skorne!
That was an interesting game, and another take on Makeda 3 can do with the double Aradus + Raider module. The Krea definitely contributed in this matchup. She saved Molik and my other non-Carapace-possessing models a lot of damage over the course of the game, and also did her secondary job - putting a little extra control on a melee threat - very well. Orin didn't do a lot this game, but putting hits on the Kriel Stone unit was helpful, and if he'd lived I'd have done it again. In this particular matchup, I think I'd rather have the Krea than two Willbreakers, and Orin was a decent slot in for the Extoller (who actually would have been very good shooting even without soul tokens). The Aradi didn't to a lot of work shooting, but their near-immunity to ranged damage, and the constant damage they were inflicting on the Glacier King turn after turn did a lot to force the Glacier King into my melee threat range, and that's what the Aradi are there for. Overall, I like this configuration a lot, but I'll continue to try new things out.
Double Aradus Sentinels walking up base to base was slow, but ended up being almost impervious to shooting, and covered a 6" wide section of the battlefield with Swarm right in front of my formation. Makeda hiding out near them is Def 17 to living melee attackings, while Molik goes up to 15. They're a really solid defensive formation that puts out good damage at range, and can crack heavies with VoD in melee.
Tactically, I played an ok game. I made one major mistake that could have cost me the game, and overlooked a few things I'll try to do differently in the future. On Makeda's Feat turn, I had her charge into a Warder without Fate Walker up, which I'd normally cast before moving her. I was so sure she'd kill the Warder on the next attack that I kept on buying them, and she would have been high and dry in front of a model with Freeze on its basic attacks if Caleb had made that last Tough check. I shouldn't have sent her into the Warders at all, I think. I'd have been much better served spending my Fury down to heal Molik up more, and start dominating my flag to put more pressure on Caleb to enter the gauntlet with the Glacier King. In the end, he had to do it anyway, but she would have been much safer, and I could potentially have leveraged a scenario win, since his gunline was tied down by Molik.
Caleb played a pretty good game considering his list's disadvantage. This Gunnbjorn list feels very strong, and should be good at winning a ranged duel against most opponents. The Aradus + Krea brick shut down the shooting very hard though, and I was focusing the Aradus shots on the Glacier King anyway, so Cover and immunity to Blast Damage (normally key parts of what lets Gunny outshoot his opponents) didn't come up. Denied the ability to shoot effectively, Caleb's list was forced to go to melee with me, which was a terrible situation for it. I don't know how much it would help against my list, but I do think that a faster unit would serve Caleb better than Warders here. A unit like Kriel Warriors or Fennblades would be able to set the line of engagement further upfield from the Glacier King, and let its shooting hit key enemy models longer. The Glacier King is a very strong ranged combatant, especially with Gunny, who gives it the quality shooting it really wants.
I do think Caleb played pretty well. He probably could have focused more fire turn 2 on the Raider, who was enabling my long range shooting, and killed it. That would have put me under a little more pressure, and would have stopped my Krea from paralyzing the Glacier King. Makeda 3 with additional anti-shooting tech just shuts ranged lists down really hard. In a 2-list event he'd drop his other list into Skorne, especially if Makeda 3 was his opponent's likely Trollblood drop.
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