So now I am officially starting out with Retribution. One of my Christmas gifts was the Retribution of Scyrah Holiday Bundle. Today I went to Tower to play some games,* and ended up buying a few more models to get to 35pts. My current 35pt list with the Retribution is:
Lord Arcanist Ossyan (+6)
*Phoenix (10)
*Banshee (10)
10 Dawnguard Invictors (10)
*Officer and Standard Bearer (2)
6 Mage Hunter Strike Force (5)
*Mage Hunter Commander (2)
Arcanist (1)
Arcanist (1)
The second Arcanist is a shameless proxy. :)
The list looks pretty fun, I have to say. Both the Invictors and Mage Hunters are primarily ranged troops who can mix it up in melee if they need to, so I'm at least passable at both. With two Reach 'jacks I'm even optimistic about using the Invictors' Flank to good effect. Both of the 'jacks themselves are amazing. My one regret is that Ossyan only has Arcantrik Bolt as a spell he wants to channel regularly.
This list crushes most heavies, and has some tools against high-Def infantry. It's a lot more limited against Stealth, but Ossyan has a lot of great spells to enhance my warjacks and infantry.
I look forward to trying it out when everything is a little more assembled.
*I got two 35pt games in with Skorne, so expect reports! Theorymachining with Retribution has actually reinforced my appreciation for Skorne and their style of play. I'll probably be bringing both forces in the coming months.
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