Tink helps me get pumped for the tourney
This past weekend
there was a Warmachine Weekend qualifier tournament at the Dice Dojo in
Chicago. A bunch of folks from Madison drove over to try our luck and I decided
to join the fray to get some tournament experience with my chosen lists. It was
a four round Masters-style event with Divide and Conquer 1, meaning that we had
to play each of our lists at least once during the tournament.
I decided to bring
Ossyan, Vyros2 and Kaelyssa's Force Wall as my three lists. The first two I
knew could cover all of my match ups, so the choice of Force Wall for the third
was simply because I've been having fun with it lately. My lists and reasonings
were as follows:
Lord Arcanist
Ossyan, First of His Name, of House Vyre, the Conqueror
- Banshee
Houseguard Thane
Max Mage Hunter
Strike Force + Mage Hunter Commander
Max Houseguard
Halberdiers + Officer and Standard Bearer
Max Houseguard
Riflemen + Officer and Standard Bearer
Stormfall Archers
Stormfall Archers
Lady Aiyanna and
Master Holt
The reasoning:
Ossyan is my go to guy for… well, pretty much every match up. He can handle
anything except Shadowpack casters, and even then the Riflemen + feat at least
give him a fighting chance. I've also had the most experience with Ossyan,
which helps. This list differs slightly from my normal in that I finally gave
the AFG the boot in favor of more cover denying shots from the Strike Force.
Vyros, Incissar of
the Dawnguard
- Phoenix
- Griffon x 5
- Aspis x 2
Eiryss, Angel of
Max Dawnguard
Invictors + UA
The reasoning: Those
shadowpack casters that I mentioned earlier? Vyros2 eats them for breakfast.
This list is my dedicated Circle and Legion drop.
Kaelyssa, Night's
Whisper. Force Wall Tier 4
- Phoenix
- Phoenix
- Hyperion
- Aspis
Arcanist x 5
House Shyeel
Magister x 3
House Shyeel
House Shyeel Battle
The reasoning: it
looked fun. Also I was under the impression that this list could at least do OK
vs most lists and pretty darn well against any Meat Mountain style lists.
Instead of doing
exhaustive battle reports for each battle, I'll just go through them relatively
Round 1: Ossyan vs
Shae in Outflank
This was vs my
perennial opponent Josh, as even when travelling 3 hours to a different meta
I'm bound to be paired up against him at some point. He had Shae, Durgen and
Damiano on tap, so I went with Ossyan. In hind sight I really should have tried
using Force Wall on this match up as I should be saving Ossyan for later, but I
digress. He chose the following Shae list:
- Galleon
- Vanguard x 2
- Buccaneer
The Commodore Cannon
and Crew
Bosun Grog-Spar
Doc Killingsworth
First Mate Hawk
Lord Rockbottom
Dirty Meg
Sea Dog Boarding
Crew with Mr. Walls, The Quartermaster
Press Gangers
This game was pretty
much all about dice. Josh couldn't roll a Tough check to save his life and my
dice were on fire. You know this is the case when I eliminate 11 pirates at
range on turn 1, and it all went downhill from there for Josh. My Halberdiers were
nearly wiped jamming up his Boarding Crew, but after my feat turn on turn 3 he
only had the Cannon, Shae and Dirty Meg left to contest the zones. I quickly
won on scenario shortly after this, leaving only 3 minutes left on my clock.
Lesson learned: Save
your all comer list till you need it! And drop the list you're unsure about
early and get it out of the way so your heavy hitters can take center stage.
Round 2: Ossyan vs
Deneghra1 in Balance of Power
Round 2 I got paired
up against Jordan "Dream Crusher" Knoche, so I knew that I was in a
tight spot, and especially so because he was running Cryx. He had already
dropped Asphyxious2 in the first round and had Deneghra1 and Goreshade3 as his
other two lists. Feeling nervous I decided to go with Ossyan again, as Jordan
is a very, very good player and I wanted to get my best shot against him. In
hind sight neither of his other two lists had Bane Thralls or Knights, so I
probably should have dropped Vyros2 into this matchup. But I didn't, as I am,
as they say, a n00b.
He chose this list:
War Witch Deneghra
- Two arc nodes of some variety
Satyxis Blood
Witches + UA
Boomhowler and
The Withershadow
Cylena Rafael and
the Nyss Hunters
Necrosurgeon and
Stitch Thralls x 2
Min Mechanithralls
War Witch Siren
This game was
effectively over fairly early on as I for some reason though that leading with
my Riflemen was a great idea. This only got them Crippling Grasped and
eliminated early on, leaving me to never actually use their anti-stealth tech
to take on Deneghra or the Withershadow Combine. Due to not screening my troops
with Halberdiers and other poor plays the following happened:
- The Strike Force got jammed up by Blood Witches on turns 2 and 3. They cleared themselves off pretty well, but this took them out of the game for the key turns.
- The Riflemen were wiped out
- My Banshee got turned into a Harrower
- My Halberdiers never actually charged and couldn't break the damn trollkin.
Eventually I was
facing a sea of mechanithralls and instead of dragging it out conceded.
Lesson Learned:
protect the Riflemen when facing Deneghra1 and force the assassination! Also
it's important to cycle Shatter Storm to prevent more Mechanithralls from being
created, or use the Strike Force to take out the Necrosurgeons early.
Basically, I need a lot more practice.
Round 3: Force Wall
vs Claws of the Dragon in Destruction
Whelp, due to my
poor list decision choices early I was now locked into my last two lists. My
next opponent was a Khador player with all three lists still available. Since
they mostly involved dude spam I figured that Force Wall would have a better
chance than Griffon Spam. Sure enough I ran into the following list:
The Butcher of
Khardov, Claws of the Dragon tier 4
- War Doge
- Kodiak x 2
Iron Fang Kovnik x 2
Max Black Dragon
Iron Fang Pikemen x 2
Max Iron Fang
Pikemen + normal UA
The Great Bears of
This one also went
downhill pretty quickly. I blame part of this on being exhausted from the
previous matchup, but since Claws of the Dragon grants Advance Move to most of
his army he effectively ignores Force Wall's turn 1 slow down, which didn't
help matters. I attempted to use my Phoenixes to set his pikemen on fire, but
most of them survived the ordeal and quickly hammered down my forces to just a
knocked down Kaelyssa, an untouched Hyperion, a damaged Artificer, and three
I sat in the tank
for a while, then decided to go for the only winning strategy that I could
think of: assassinate the Butcher. Unfortunately there was a veritable sea of
Iron Fangs in between me and my goal. So Hyperion, Kaelyssa and the Arcanists
ran to one side of the zone while the Artificer bravely continued contesting.
On his turn the Artificer somehow miraculously survived the onslaught while a
mob of Black Dragons tried to attack the Hyperion but only managed to scratch
the paint. In response Big Hypes trampled over them and killed all but one
which Kaelyssa murdered. Then some Great Bears charged into Kaelyssa and still left her on 4 boxes. Hyperion
continued his onslaught, moving up and sweeping almost all of the rest of the
Iron Fangs into oblivion while Kaelyssa killed the Great Bears. All was set for
me to have Hyperion smash the Kodiaks on the following turn and bait the
Butcher into charging Hyperion… when a single sneaky Iron Fang managed to get
on Kaelyssa and roll a 10 to knock her lights out.
Lesson Learned:
Don't get locked into lists, but also don't ever give up! If you have a
colossal still untouched on turn 4, you've still got a chance. Just not
necessarily a very good one…
Round 4: Vyros2 vs
In a stunning turn
of events I was locked into Vyros2 but somehow managed to luck into a Circle
opponent for my last game. He was also locked in at this point and had to drop
the following Morvahna2 list:
Morvahna the
- Woldwrath
- Woldwatcher
War Wolf x 3
Max Reeves
Shifting Stones
Max Skinwalkers + UA
This game started
off pretty well, but went downhill when I moved too many of my pieces to try
and force him to feat. I did succeed in doing so, but it left my Phoenix and a
Griffon open to be charged by the Woldwrath, which with an earlier loss
severely cut down on my Synergy chain. I killed most of the Skinwalkers, but
eventually I was forced to just run Vyros at Morvahna and hope that he could
make it to assassinate her. It did end up taking a full Woldwrath and Morvahna cutting herself down to 4
transfers past 1 box, but eventually my opponent got Vyros dead.
Lesson Learned:
Don't overcommit! Every myrmidon is precious, so only commit them if they
either have little possible danger or you will get a good benefit from doing
So I ended up going
1-3, not the best showing but at least I made a few good plays. I'm
reevaluating my non-Ossyan list choices at the moment as something in them just
doesn't seem to be clicking, particularly Vyros2's role as my anti-Circle drop.
I'll be trying a variety of different lists over the next couple of weeks to
see if I can find something that works better for me while also trying to brush
up on some better tactics from the forums.
Thanks for reading,
and until next time shank a round ear for me!
Nice Reports!
ReplyDeleteSounds like competition was stiff over there. Those are some very interesting lists you ran into as well.
What made you go for 2x Phoenix instead of 3x Manticore with Kaelyssa? Having the arc-nodes is definitely good, but it seemed like the 3 Covering Fire templates were doing a lot of board control for you when you tried out that iteration.
The sharks were definitely out at that tournament.
ReplyDeleteThe main reason that I went double Phoenix is because I didn't have time to magnetize the second Phoenix into a Manticore, and I was also under the impression that there would be some multiwound infantry in one of the lists that I fought against. If I had to do it again I think I would go along the same lines as one of the WTC lists and drop the Hyperion, Aspis and a Magister for triple Manticore as covering fire = sweet.