Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Battle Report: pMakeda vs Vlad 3 (35pts)

I played two games this past Friday.  Here is the first one.

I played the following list:

Archdomina Makeda (+5)
*Titan Cannoneer (9)
*Titan Gladiator (8)
*Aptimus Marketh (3)

10 Praetorian Swordsmen (6)
*Officer and Standard (2)
Tyrant Commander and Standard Bearer (3)
4 Paingiver Beast Handlers (2)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (1)

Hakaar the Destroyer (4)
Extoller Soulward (2)

This is my pMakeda list until my Bronzeback is finished.  It's pretty flexible, and has decent ranged support in the Titan Cannoneer, and the Archdomina's help with speed, accuracy and attrition.  The last time I played it, I was hampered by a couple terrible mistakes, but I'm hoping that this time I'll steer it to victory.

While it's strong against most balanced lists, extreme high-Def and Arm give it trouble.  The only tools for dealing with Def 17 and higher reliably are Hakaar and the Cannoneer's gun.  My only damage buff is Enrage, and anything above Arm 22 or so will be very hard for me to clear out with just a Cannoneer and Gladiator for heavies.

My opponent, who's name was Caleb, but who isn't the Caleb on this blog, ran the following:

Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey (+5)
*Behemoth (13)
*Drago (8)
*Sylas Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2)

10 Winter Guard Rifle Corps (8)
Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt (4)

Fenris (5)
Kovnik Josef Grigorovich (2)

I've never played against Vlad 3 before, so I'll have to get used to his tricks this game.  Overall, it looks like a flexible combination of 'jacks, Fenris and Vlad will do the melee heavy lifting, as well as have great maneuverability on Vlad's Feat turn.  The Rifle Corps and Kovnik Joe provide some long ranged support to get rid of infantry screens and force the enemy into place for the 'jacks and Cavalry to take care of.

If there's a weakness to the list, it's massed high-armor.  A list with a lot of high Arm beasts or 'jacks and/or a lot of Stealth could ignore the Rifle Corps' low-Powered shooting, and focus on killing the Khador 'jacks, Fenris, and Vlad himself.  Additional defensive abilities which prevented the Warjacks from Sprinting or Side-Stepping on Vlad's Feat turn or reduced their offensive output would also hurt this list.


There were two houses on the center-left side of the battle field, a forest in the center near one deployment zone, a couple of low walls around the center.  There was also a low hill in each deployment zone.  We decided to play the Incursion scenario - the one with 3 flags, one of which disappears after turn 2.

Caleb won the roll off, and decided to go second.  He picked the table side with the forest.

I deployed my Swordsmen in the center, and my Titans just to the left side of the house on my side of the table.  I wanted to limit my opponent's angles of approach, and use my superior speed (with Savagery and Rush) to straight up out-threat his 'jacks.  Hakaar, the Tyrant Commander and Standard Bearer, and Marketh, deployed near the Swordsmen to support them, and the Swamp Gobbers went on the front line with the Swordsmen.  The Extoller Soulward and Makeda went behind the house so they could support both groups at first.  The Paingivers deployed behind the Titans.

Caleb deployed Behemoth in the Center with the Rifle Corps to its right (from my perspective) looking to get onto the hill.  Kovnik Joe deployed behind the Rifle Corps.  Fenris deployed on the far right to flank me.  Drago and Aiyanna and Holt deployed on the left opposite my warbeasts.  Finally, Vladimir deployed in the center, between Behemoth and the Rifle Corps.

Turn 1: Skorne

The Swamp Gobbers and Swordsmen ran forward and spread out a bit.  Marketh advanced, and cast Defender's Ward on the Swordsmen with Spell Slave.  The Gladiator Rushed herself and Trampled to the far side of the house I'd deployed around.  The Cannoneer ran.  Makeda cast Savagery on Hakaar, advanced, and discarded two Fury to match the 4 Fury on the table.  The Tyrant Commander tried to use Press Forward on Hakaar, but was barely out of range, then ran forward to support the Swordsmen.  The Paingivers and Extoller just ran.

I'd already made a couple of mistakes, but they were pretty minor.  I'd wanted to put Pres Forward on Hakaar to get him far upfield on my next turn.  Between turns 1 and 2, he can move 31" if Righteous Vengeance gets triggered while he has Savagery.  I also should have had Makeda cast Rush on the Cannoneer to get a little more distance with her.  It was still early in the game, though.

Turn 1: Khador

Vlad put one point of Focus on the Behemoth's sub-cortex.  Vlad cast Dash, then put Infernal Machine on Behemoth and Hand of Fate on the Winter Guard Rifle Corps, and advanced.  Sylas advanced to just behind him.  Behemoth advanced, and took some Bombard shots at the Swamp Gobbers, killing them and a Swordsman.  Kovnik Joe advanced, and gave the Rifle Corps boosted attack rolls with For the Motherland.  The Rifle Corps advanced, and killed another Swordsman, since only one was in range.  Fenris advanced to support the Rifle Corps on the right.  Drago ran forward on the left, and Aiyanna and Holt supported him and gave themselves Stealth.

At this point, we had one of the flags disappear, and it was the one in front of my beasts.  Boo.

I was not thrilled about eating that long-range firepower every turn with my Swordsmen.  They'd be out of range this next turn to retaliate.  I'd just have to rely on my Feat to get them into combat with the Winter Guard while my beasts went right to contest and claim the center objective.  I was also not happy that I'd have to march up to Behemoth and the Rifle Corps just to compete at scoring.  I suppose it serves me right for deploying on one flank rather than keeping flexible though.

Turn 2: Skorne

Hakaar took a 9" Righteous Vengeance advance, getting a bit out in front of the Swordsmen.  Makeda upkept Defender's Ward and Savagery.  Hakaar looked like he could reach Aiyanna and Holt.  He advanced, but was just a bit out of range.  The Gladiator Rushed the Cannoneer, and advanced.  The Extoller Soulward advanced, and used Guidance on the Cannoneer.  The Cannoneer advanced.  It looked out of range to Aiyanna and Holt, so it shot Drago.  It missed, but the deviation luckily ended up right on Aiyanna and Holt, and the blast killed them both.  The Swordsmen ran to block charge lanes on my beasts from the Khador heavies and hide behind the houses.  Marketh advanced, and swapped Savagery over to Makeda.  The Tyrant Commander advanced, and the Standard Bearer hid behind a wall.  Makeda advanced, used her Feat, and camped 4 Fury.  The Paingivers advanced and conditioned the Titans.

The Swordsmen wouldn't be going anywhere on the next turn, but I was going to lose Hakaar for sure.  Hopefully, this would let me get my heavies into the game, and start capturing points or killing my opponent's heavies next turn.

Turn 2: Khador

Vlad upkept Hand of Fate, and allocated a point of Focus to Drago, and 3 to the Behemoth's subcortex.  Sylas upkept Infernal Machine.  Joe used For the Motherland on the Rifle Corps again.  The Rifle Corps advanced to claim the far objective, and killed the Tyrant Commander along with a couple of Swordsmen and Marketh.  Drago activated his Imprint, Run Riot, killed Hakaar, and retreated (using Run Riot) to what was likely out of range for my Titans.  Vlad advanced, and cast Dash.  Behemoth advanced, and killed another couple of Swordsmen with AoE's.  Fenris charged and killed the Tyrant Commander's Standard Bearer.

Khador ended up in range of the right objective marker, but a Swordsman was still close enough to contest it.

I'd lost some key support that turn, and Fenris might be able to cut around the flank to go for my support and warlock.  On the other hand, my Swordsmen would be coming back in the maintenance phase, and I'd have the opportunity to do some damage to my opponent now.

Turn 3: Skorne

The dead Swordsmen placed themselves back in combat with the nearby Rifle Corps.  Makeda upkept Defender's Ward and Savagery.  She advanced, but decided to camp 4 Fury rather than cast Carnage.  Then the rest of the Swordsmen advanced into combat.  The officer used Perfect Strike to do an automatic point of damage to the Winter Guard.  I hadn't thought I'd need Carnage, since I had a lot of attacks, but the dice disappointed me, and I only killed four of the Rifle Corps.  The other Swordsman also did two points of damage to Behemoth, and ran to screen my Titans from both 'jacks.  The Gladiator Rushed the Cannoneer, and advanced, and the Cannoneer advanced and shot at Drago.  She hit this time, and boosted the damage roll to do a significant chunk of damage, then used Diminish.  The Paingivers managed Fury again.  The Extoller advanced around the house toward the battle.

My Swordsmen were contesting the Right objective, while Behemoth was contesting the Center objective.  No points were scored on either side.

Things weren't looking great for me.  I'd needed to kill more of the Winter Guard.  If I'd killed just 2-3 more, I'd be in much better shape.  Now, they'd be able to kill off a lot of the Swordsmen while Vlad's Feat gave the 'jacks better mobility.

Turn 3: Khador

Vlad and Sylas upkept Hand of Fate and Infernal Machine again, and Vlad allocated 3 Focus to Behemoth's Cortex.  Kovnik Joe used For the Motherland on the Rifle Corps.  Vlad cast Dash, used his Feat to give all cavalry and warjacks Side Step and Sprint, and charged in.  He killed three Swordsmen, disengaging Behemoth in the process.  Then he Sprinted back toward the right objective.  The Rifle Corps backed away from the Swordsmen, and shot four or five of the survivors down.  Fenris advanced, killed another Swordsman, and Sprinted back toward Vlad.  Behemoth advanced, killed the Swordsmen officer using both its Initial attacks and a boost, and Side Stepped into the Gladiator, which it damaged with its remaining attacks.  Then it Sprinted out of Line of Sight of both my Titans.  Drago retreated from the Cannoneer.

Khador ended up in clear control of the right objective, and scored a point.

I had to start contesting that second objective.  Of course, I had a more immediate problem: Behemoth.  It would kill a heavy next turn unless I dealt with it.

Turn 4: Skorne

Makeda dropped both upkeeps.  The Gladiator Rushed itself, advanced, and used a Double Handed Throw to put Behemoth in my Cannoneer's charge lane.  It succeeded, but caused no damage to Behemoth  The Paingivers Enraged the Cannoneer, and Medicated the Gladiator.  The Cannoneer charged in, and reduced Behemoth to its last 5 Hit Boxes.  Makeda charged, and finished it off with a Combo Strike, then Side Stepped away from Vlad and Fenris, and cast Diminish and Defender's Ward on herself for extra protection, and camped two Fury for transfers.  The Extoller Soulward advanced to just within contesting range for the right objective, and took a boosted shot at Fenris, but missed.

No points were scored this turn, but I was still at a disadvantage.  Caleb was ahead, and had clear control of the right objective in a strategic sense.  He also had more options than I did.  My Titans were powerhouses to be sure, but he could sacrifice the Winter Guard, Fenris and Drago to slow them down and kill them.

Turn 4: Khador

Sylas upkept Hand of Fate.  Kovnik Joe used For the Motherland on the Rifle Corps again.  The Rifle Corps stayed on the objective, killed the Extoller, and took a couple of shots at the Cannoneer, but didn't do much.  Vlad cast Dash, and retreated a bit.  Fenris considered charging Makeda, but she was too well protected by Diminish and transfers, so he retreated to near Vlad.  Drago ran to reposition itself out or range of my Titans again.

Khador scored its second point.  The game was just about up.  I'd have to run my Titans in to contest the right flag, and hope they survived, otherwise I'd lose on scenario.

Turn 5: Skorne

There was still Fury on the Gladiator after leaching, and it failed its Threshold check.  It Frenzied into Makeda, but missed.  Makeda advanced to the objective, cast Rush and Savagery on the Titan Cannoneer, and camped two Fury.  The Cannoneer power walked 11.5" to contest the right objective, and used Diminish to help itself surive.

It was all on Candes.  If she died next turn, I'd lose.  If she lived, I had a good chance of pulling out an assassination, since Vlad would be in combat with her.  Unfortunately, Vlad in any form is a heavy hitter, and Fenris is no slouch either, so Candes' chances didn't look good.

Turn 5: Khador

Fenris charged my Cannoneer, and did a little damage.  Then Vlad charged in and finished the job.  Caleb ended his turn, and Khador won on scenario.

Victory to Khador!


I made one big assumption in deployment which turned out to be a very bad one.  I deployed my Titans near a side objective which ended up disappearing.  That decision forced me to scramble for ground starting on turn 3.  I had to commit with the relatively fragile Swordsmen without supporting them while my Titans made it back into position.  I also made a lot of little mistakes in positioning and spell targeting which didn't help me recover my position at all.  I left the Tyrant Commander's Standard Bearer in Fenris' charge range, didn't hide Marketh away for the late game when spell cycling onto Titans would be crucial, and sent Hakaar after Aiyanna and Holt instead of Fenris, whom he would probably have killed (with Righteous Vengeance and Savagery).  In short, I didn't deploy to contest the objectives well, and compounded my disadvantage with a lot of small tactical mistakes.   Not one of my stronger games.

I will keep trying this list, since it's a lot of fun to use, but I'm starting to think that the beasts especially need to be more aggressive.  I will try the list again when Baxter is finished, and see what develops.  I've had very good success in the past running min Cetrati alongside my Swordsmen with pMakeda, and I might go back to that.  That list was much more durable, although it lacked some of this list's support.  I'm just not getting good use of the Swamp Gobbers in this list either.  They've been running on turn 1, and being rendered redundant on turn 2.  I may juggle the points around a little more, or I may just max the Beast Handlers out to replace them.

Caleb played a very solid attrition game.  He gained a big advantage at the end of turn 1 when the left objective disappeared, and made it very difficult to get the initiative back.  His use of Drago was particularly good.  Drago would lurk just outside my engagement range, but in range to counterattack if I committed my Titans to attacking Khador, and he slowed the Titans down significantly.  This allowed the rest of his army to focus on killing my infantry and support, and ultimately led to the scenario victory.  Caleb was also careful about contesting the Center objective, so I was only able to start scoring on my last turn.  Well played.

I really like Caleb's list, which seems very versatile.  It has two hard-hitting 'jacks, and a lot of ways to speed them up.  Their threat ranges are long, and Vlad gives them access to Sprint and Side Step with his Feat, which really lets them game the threat ranges.  The Winter Guard Rifle Corps and Kovnik Joe are also very strong in this list.  The 14" range (along with Behemoth's Bombards) is enough to force a lot of opponents, particularly those with a lot of infantry, into the charge ranges of Behemoth, Drago, Vlad and Fenris.  It seems like Caleb had 2 extra points on the table this game.  I don't think they made a huge difference, since he played a great game tactically.  The version of the list he emailed me doesn't have Kovnik Joe, but I would drop Sylas Wyshnalyrr instead.  Vlad has a lot of Focus, and Joe adds a lot to the Rifle Corps potential.  I would have been in a much better position if they'd had unboosted attack rolls against my Def-15 Swordsmen.

Thanks for the great game.

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